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Posted on: 25/03/2020

St Matthew's School is an "EXCELLENT SCHOOL"

St Matthew's School is an "EXCELLENT SCHOOL" (SIAMs inspection - March 2020)

Overall judgement: Excellent

Impact of Collective Worship: Excellent

Effectiveness of Religious Education (RE): Excellent

This is a tremendous and well deserved achievement, with the top grade of “excellent” in every category, giving external validation of our school’s excellent academic and broad curriculum and inclusive provision for all our children.

We are very proud of St Matthew’s School, and its strong community of children and adults.

Amidst all the uncertainty around us at present it’s good to have something to celebrate!

The report praises, “the school’s exemplary focus on the individual’s gifts and talents” and “the passionate and committed leadership of the headteacher, ably supported by her senior leadership team and all staff.”

The report continues, commending the great progress children make across the curriculum and the range of experiences they are given to enhance their learning:

“Pupils make at least expected, and often accelerated progress, whatever their starting point.”

“The curriculum is aspirational and well-planned. Through it pupils are engaged, motivated and encouraged in their learning.”

“The curriculum is enriched through a range of extra-curricular experiences which are enjoyed and very well responded to by pupils.”

In addition, the report celebrates the emphasis we place on the spiritual, moral and social development of our pupils:

“Pupils’ spiritual development is enriched through focused opportunities across the curriculum, including in RE, and through the excellent worship programme.”

“Pupils’ moral and social development are also strongly catered for.”

Congratulations to all of us; the strong community we have built here at St Matthew's, underpinned by our Christian ethos and values has been recognised and accredited.


Read the report here.

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