
Provision for Pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

SENCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator): Mrs K Rose

St Matthew's is an inclusive school and we are committed to providing high quality education for all our pupils. In accordance with the SEND Code of Practice, we aim to identify early those children who have Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND), in order to plan and implement effective support to help them make good progress. 

Each child in the school is unique and teachers plan their lessons to cater for all the abilities and needs within the classroom. The vast majority of our pupils with SEND are taught in mainstream classes with differentiated learning tasks, as appropriate. The Special Educational Needs Co ordinator and specialists from other agencies also provide support for the children.

At St Matthew's School we also have a Special Needs Support Centre for Key Stage Two children with ASD. Places for this are allocated by Surrey County Council Special Educational Needs.

We are proud of the high level of success we have in enabling children to overcome challenges, make progress and achieve their personal targets. Progress is seen in their academic achievements and also in their development of life skills, confidence and independence.

We work closely with parents of all children based on trust, understanding and open communication.

We have a wide range of extra-curricular activities including clubs, outings and residential trips at St Matthew’s School. We encourage every child to participate. Some children may require additional support, but our aim is to ensure, where possible, that every child is included.

Please find SEND Policy, SEND Information Report, SEND Information Report for the Special Needs Support Centre (SNSC) and our Accessibility Action Plan below. 

To read the Surrey Council Local Offer click the link below:

The Surrey local offer website has been updated to include lots of really good information, advice and resources, including a document on managing home learning for parents of primary (and secondary) age children. For more information go to:


Wave 1 Provision

Wave 1 is quality first teaching whereby Teachers are aware of the needs of all the children in their class and plan and address these through their teaching. Teaching is adapted to different learning styles and work is differentiated appropriately to match the needs of the children.

The document at the bottom of the page illustrates our Wave 1 provision. Click on the images if you wish to open a PDF version. 

Wave 2 Provision

Wave 2 is specific, additional and time-bonded intervention provided for some children who need help to accelerate their progress to enable them to work at or above age-related expectations.

Wave 2 interventions are often targeted at a group of pupils with similar needs. This includes groups for specific skills such as time tables, sentence structure and comprehension.

The document at the bottom of the page illustrates our Wave 2 provision. Click on the image if you wish to open a PDF version.

Wave 3 Provision

Wave 3 is targeted provision for a minority of children where it is necessary to provide highly tailored intervention to accelerate progress or enable children to achieve their potential. This may include one to one or specialist interventions, such as precision teaching, Reading Recovery and Numbers Count.

 The document at the bottom of the page illustrates our Wave 3 provision. Click on the image if you wish to open a PDF version.


Page Downloads Date  
SEND Information Report - Mainstream 2023 13th Sep 2023 Download
SEND Information Report - Special Needs Support Centre 2023 13th Sep 2023 Download
Wave 1 01st Jun 2018 Download
Wave 2 01st Jun 2018 Download
Wave 3 01st Jun 2018 Download
Special Educational Needs Policy 2023 13th Sep 2023 Download
Accessibility Plan 2023 13th Sep 2023 Download
  • 07:54 PM - Tue 16 July St Matthew’s shining under the bright lights tonight with their first performance of Joseph. A fantastic team effort.
  • 07:54 PM - Mon 15 July A taste of Joseph. Are you ready for the full performance?! See you tomorrow evening
  • 07:16 PM - Mon 15 July Year 6 perform at Southwark Cathedral for the leavers service
  • 07:16 PM - Mon 15 July Even nursery got involved with election fever as they voted for their favourite book!
  • 07:16 PM - Mon 15 July Representing us well games day
  • 07:15 PM - Mon 15 July Year 6 perform at Southwark Cathedral for the leavers service
  • 07:14 PM - Mon 15 July Year 4 Clarinet concert
  • 07:50 PM - Mon 8 July Having fun down on the farm!
  • 11:53 PM - Mon 1 July Back from District Sports with two trophies! We are so proud of you.
  • 02:22 PM - Mon 1 July Aiming high and encouraging one another at District Sports.
  • 03:52 PM - Fri 28 June Finishing off our activities weeks with Music Assembly. Such great performances.
  • 12:17 PM - Thu 27 June 2B enjoying their trip
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