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School Performance - Statutory Information
We are very proud of every child's achievements at St Matthew’s. This page provides an explanation and summary of how our pupils perform against national measures.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS or Reception Class) 2022-23
Achievement at the end of the children’s first year at School is measured by assessing if individual pupils have met a ‘good’ level of development across a range of different goals. The table below shows the percentages of pupils that have met a ‘good’ level of development in all of the areas.
School | National |
64% | 67% |
Year 1 Phonic Screening Check 2022-23
Children are tested at the end of Year 1 on their phonics knowledge. This is done by children reading 40 words and nonsense words. Children who correctly attempt the threshold amount (this year 32), are deemed to be working at the expected level. Children scoring below the threshold are deemed to be working below. These children are then given extra phonics support in Year 2 and re-tested at the end of the year.
Year 1 Phonics - % of pupils working at the required standard (32+/40) |
School |
National |
49% |
89% |
When children reach the end of Year 2, they are assessed by their teachers across a range of different subjects to see if they are attaining 'below' (not yet at National Standard), 'at standard', or 'exceeding' the National Standard. This assessment measure is much harder than the 'levels' system used in the past.
Reading |
Writing |
Maths |
School |
National |
School |
National |
School |
National |
At Standard+ |
43% | 68% | 41% | 60% | 50% | 70% |
Exceeding Standard |
22% |
- |
10% |
- |
16% |
- |
Scoring 25 (full marks) | 40% |
Scoring 24+ | 55% |
When children reach the end of Year 6, they are again assessed across a range of different subjects to see if they are attaining below, in line with or above national expectations. They are assessed:
- By their teachers, who base their judgements on how the child has performed across not only the year, but during their time at St Matthew’s.
- By sitting their Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs). These are tests that take place at the School in May and are marked externally.
Tests at KS2 are now much harder to reflect an advanced curriculum. A School will initially aim to ensure that its pupils are ‘secondary ready’. A child who is deemed to be 'At Standard' would be secondary ready. A child not yet at this level would be deemed to be 'Working Below' the National Standard. Children working above the national standard would be deemed to be 'exceeding'.
Reading | Writing | Maths | SPAG | |||||
School | National | School | National | School | National | School | National | |
At expected standard + | 75% | 73% | 65% | 71% | 69% | 73% | 69% | 72% |
Exceeding standard | 30% | - | 8% | - | 33% | - | 30% | - |